Our Philosophy

At Concern on Climate change for the community initiative (FOURCi), we believe to have a safe climate in the future requires, individual, communities and institution to work together at different levels and contexts, building on diverse source of knowledge to develop fair and equitable solutions that benefit those most at risk.


Aiming for a World Free from Climate Change through Sustainable Practices.


To empower individuals, communities, and institutions to combat climate change and disasters by promoting sustainable practices and interventions at local, national, and international levels, with a focus on uplifting and Involving women, young girls and children in these efforts.

Aims and Objectives


Borno State:
– Addressing climate-induced displacement and natural resource conflicts.
– Promoting afforestation efforts to combat desertification and restore ecosystems.
– Providing emergency and long-term support for flood-affected and conflict-impacted communities.

Adamawa State:
– Fostering agricultural resilience through climate-smart farming practices.
– Engaging youth and women in sustainable livelihood programs.
– Building community awareness on disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation.

Yobe State:
– Rehabilitating degraded land to support farming and grazing activities.
– Promoting water conservation initiatives to combat drought and improve access to clean water.
– Enhancing the capacity of local organizations for effective climate Our Vision for Expansion.

Zamfara State:
– Addressing deforestation through community-driven afforestation and conservation projects.
– Supporting local economies by introducing sustainable farming techniques.
– Partnering with local stakeholders to mitigate the impact of environmental degradation.

Benue State:
– Tackling the effects of flooding through community-based disaster preparedness initiatives.
– Promoting sustainable agricultural practices to enhance food security.
– Strengthening partnerships with local leaders to develop tailored climate solutions.

Plateau State:
– Conserving biodiversity through reforestation and habitat restoration.
– Advocating for sustainable natural resource management to prevent conflicts.
– Empowering schools and communities with climate education and awareness programs.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

With your generous financial donations to our noble cause, you can help save our planet from its current and impending climate crises.

Thematic areas

  • Sustainable Waste Management

  • Climate-Smart Agriculture

  • Sexual and Gender Based-Violence (SGBV)

  • Climate Justice Movement

  • Climate Education

  • Transformative National Action Plans

FOURCi Careers: Business Development for Climate Solutions

About FOURCi Concern on Climate Change for the Community Initiative (FOURCi) is a leading climate-focused NGO dedicated to addressing the environmental challenges affecting[…]

Growing Climate Resilience Through Tree Planting 🌳

We are committed to addressing climate challenges through impactful community-based initiatives. Recently, we partnered with local leaders, farmers, youth, and stakeholders to raise[…]